
Devil daggers achievement
Devil daggers achievement

I seem to be in the minority when it comes to treating this game as a horror title, but there’s something incredibly scary to me about being trapped in one location in the middle of somewhere you can barely see around and being watched or attacked by something that comes out of said darkness.

devil daggers achievement

It’s a punishment thought up by the devil himself, and the lack of context for any of the monsters or why you’re here just makes things even more dreadful. Whatever version of hell this seemingly has no end, with the only outcome being your eventual death. But this idea of putting the player through the same thing over and over so they get a little bit better each time, but with no real end goal, is innately terrifying. No matter what you do, there’s no real end to Devil Daggers, rendering the whole game a Sisyphean task reserved only for the most dedicated of players. Suddenly, the waves get harder, and the enemies keep piling up. The scary part comes when you beat it because victory over this monster just continues the game. The one achievement is to survive for 500 seconds, or about eight and one third minutes, and making it to that point sees you go up against a massive living organism that serves as a final boss of sorts. The key is in memorizing where enemies will spawn and when, and prioritizing each before they make mincemeat out of you. So if a particular enemy spawns at 90 seconds on one run, it’ll spawn at that point on the next one too. Sure, enemy movements are based on yours, but as far as what spawns at what time, it seems that it’s actually a fixed thing. The weird thing about the game is that, as far as I can tell, it is not randomly generated. It’s not long before the screen is filled with these otherworldly monstrosities. The initial enemies you encounter are floating skulls shot out from tentacle pillars in the far corners of the map, but before long, you have to contend with things like gigantic spiders with skulls for bodies that make otherworldly noise, or giant centipedes that crawl through the air. Then, when the enemies kick in, the only noise is a soft humming. There’s no music at all, giving the small arena a sense of unease and foreboding even before you pick up the eponymous Devil Dagger and start shooting demons. The thing that I hadn’t read anywhere is that this doubles as a damn effective horror game. To this day, I’ve only been able to survive for about one and a half minutes, and when you’re as heavily surrounded by enemies as you are in this game, those minutes feel like an eternity. I had read before playing this that this game was challenging, and it certainly is. There’s no story to take in, no new levels, just pure twitch-based gameplay.

#Devil daggers achievement skin

It’s just you, some weapons, an arena, and a whole bunch of demonic entities that want to skin your character alive. The gameplay of Devil Daggers is basically every old school FPS distilled down into its absolute simplest, bare-bones ideas. The catch is that you die in one hit from anything.

devil daggers achievement devil daggers achievement

As soon as you pick up the dagger, monsters of all kinds start spawning in the arena, and your goal is to survive for as long as possible against increasingly difficult waves of enemies. Initially, you can fire it in a constant stream of daggers, or in a single powerful shotgun blast that’s good for close range (good performance can lead to upgrades of these). In the middle is a single dagger which, when picked up, gives you the ability to fire projectiles from your fingers. In this game, you are an unknown person trapped on a suspended platform in the middle of an infinite dark void. The premise for the 2016 first person shooter Devil Daggers could hardly be simpler if it tried.

devil daggers achievement

Devil Daggers The premise is deceptively simple and oh-so terrifying.

Devil daggers achievement